Hussain and Zakia lost their father in Mirza Olang Taliban attack. The militants took his father, grandfather and uncle and tied their hands in front of him. 

Hassan was so terrified after the incident. “He screams so loud and wakes up during the nights,” said Hassian’s mother, Marzia. She said: “Since then, he is even not able to go to the bathroom to pie alone in a bright daylight.” 

Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Hussain og Zakia mistet faren sin da en væpnet gruppe angrep landsbyen deres. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjelpen

Hussain roper i redsel om nettene

Enayatullah Azad og Thale Solnørdal Jenssen|Publisert 23. aug 2017
Den 4. august angrep en væpnet gruppe en landsby nord i Afghanistan. Mange ble drept. Mange ble tatt til fange. Dette er historien til noen av dem som klarte å flykte.

Hussain og Zakia mistet faren sin da en væpnet gruppe angrep landsbyen deres. Innbyggerne i landsbyen forteller at det var Taliban som angrep dem.

– De tok faren, bestefaren og onkelen deres og knyttet hendene deres sammen på ryggen, rett foran øynene på guttene, forteller guttenes mor Marzia (28).

Tør ikke gå på do

Hussain ble veldig redd.

– Han roper i redsel om nettene, forteller hun.

– Nå tør han ikke gå på do alene, ikke en gang midt på dagen.

Sayed Gul Hussain, 42, with her daughter Zakira, 12, and his relative, Ismail Alambai.

Gul’s wife and three children managed to escape from the village, but two of her daughters was abducted with 235 other women and children by Taliban militants.

Hussain who managed to escape from the entrance of the village to the mountains said that he had spent two nights without food or water. 

“My brother and I gave the children to women and tied them on back of our donkeys. When the militants blocked the village entrance, I managed to escape. My brother couldn’t leave his children. they took him and killed him later,” he said.

Now Gul Hussain, a farmer, has to take care of two families of twelve. Displaced from his farm and livelihoods, his prospects look bleak.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Sayed Gul Hussain (i midten), datteren Zakira (12) og deres slektning Ismail Alambai klarte å flykte. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjelpen

Forlot gården

– Jeg klarte å flykte. Broren min ble igjen, han kunne ikke dra uten barna sine. De tok ham senere og drepte ham.

Det forteller Sayed Gul Hussain (42). Sammen med sin kone og deres tre barn klarte han å flykte fra landsbyen.

Gul Hussain er bonde og ble tvunget til å forlate gården da familien la på flukt. Nå har de mistet levebrødet sitt og framtiden ser dyster ut.

Les mer om situasjonen i Afghanistan i Flyktningregnskapet.

Gul Hussian’s sister-in-law Adila, 37, and her four children was among 235 women and children that was abducted by the Taliban militants.

Adila and her husband, sayed hassan, tied the children on back of family donkey and tried to escape from the village, when the Taliban advanced further in the village. They walked in the dark for almost two hours.  But the armed militants cut off their route in the valley, stopping them from reaching safety in the provincial capital.

“When the armed [militants] blocked us, my husband stood by us. He didn’t leave. My brother-in-law escaped and requested him, but he couldn’t leave us.”
The Taliban militants took Adila’s husband and his 13-year-old son, Kumail. He left her son later and killed her husband.

“His hands were tied on the back. The Taliban was pushing him forward and he was turning his head back seeing us. Wish he escaped; he would be alive now,” Said Adila. And now, Adila has to take care of three son a daughter alone.

 “My father pledged Taliban commander to release me, he let me join women” said Adila’s son Kumail.

Kumail was terrified and can’t sleep properly now, said his mother.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Gul Hussains svigerinne Adila (37) og hennes fire barn. Adilas mann ble drept da væpnede menn inntok landsbyen deres 4. august 2017. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjelpen

Ektemannen ble drept

Gul Hussains svigerinne Adila (37) og mannen hennes satte barna på eselrygger og forsøkte å flykte fra landsbyen. De gikk i bekmørket i to timer før de ble stanset. De væpnede mennene tok ektemannen og deres 13 år gamle sønn til fange. Sønnen ble senere sluppet fri, men Adilas ektemann ble drept.

– De knyttet sammen hendene på ryggen hans og dyttet ham foran seg. Han snudde seg tilbake og så på oss. Jeg skulle ønske han hadde klart å flykte. Da ville han ha vært i live nå.

Adila er nå alene med tre sønner og en datter.

Adila mother of four among the IDP women in Sar-e-pul Province.

Gul Hussian’s sister-in-law Adila, 37, and her four children was among 235 women and children that was abducted by the Taliban militants.

Adila and her husband, sayed hassan, tied the children on back of family donkey and tried to escape from the village, when the Taliban advanced further in the village. They walked in the dark for almost two hours.  But the armed militants cut off their route in the valley, stopping them from reaching safety in the provincial capital.

“When the armed [militants] blocked us, my husband stood by us. He didn’t leave. My brother-in-law escaped and requested him, but he couldn’t leave us.”
The Taliban militants took Adila’s husband and his 13-year-old son, Kumail. He left her son later and killed her husband.

“His hands were tied on the back. The Taliban was pushing him forward and he was turning his head back seeing us. Wish he escaped; he would be alive now,” Said Adila. And now, Adila has to take care of three son a daughter alone.

 “My father pledged Taliban commander to release me, he let me join women” said Adila’s son Kumail.

Kumail was terrified and can’t sleep properly now, said his mother.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Disse kvinnene klarte å flykte, noen etter tre døgn i fangenskap. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjelpen

Klarte å flykte

Den væpnede gruppen tok kvinner og barn til fange og drepte mennene.

Disse kvinnene klarte å flykte til provinshovedstaden, noen etter å ha blitt holdt fanget i tre døgn.

Les mer om Flyktninghjelpens arbeid i Afghanistan.

Ghulam Yahya, 72, among his grandchildren Hania, 6, on left and Ayatullah, 9, on the right hand in Chilangum, inside provincial capital of Sar-e-Pul city.

He was held captive and tortured by Taliban militants, but he was so lucky they didn’t kill him.

Malek yahya was among the village men that Taliban had separated them from women. They didn’t kill him, but tortured and interrogate him. “They didn’t kill me because I was Malek and had good relation with my neighbors and the Taliban knew me or because I was suffering from diabetes and my eyes have lost sight,” he said.

“They tortured me and were questioning me about the village men and weapon. They searched every houses and looted them. They took all animals and distributed the house assets among them.” 

Malek yahya was among 235 including women and children abducted by Taliban militants on August 4, and was released on 8 August 2017, but over 70 were summarily executed.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Ghulam Yahya (72) og barnebarna Hania (6, til venstre) og Ayatullah (9, til høyre). Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjelpen


Ghulam Yahya (72) ble holdt fanget og torturert av den væpnede gruppen. Han er ikke helt sikker på hvorfor de ikke drepte ham.

Han forteller at de torturerte ham og spurte ham ut om mennene i landsbyen.

– De søkte gjennom hvert eneste hus og plyndret dem. De tok alle husdyrene våre og delte det de fant mellom seg.

Dordana, 47, and her sister-in-law, Marzia, 28, have left with thirteen children. All male family members even the seventeen-year-old Baqir were killed during the Mirza Olang attack on August 5. 

The armed militant group blocked the way while the family were fleeing from the village. The Taliban have separated the male family members and killed and took the women hostage. 

Dordana, her sister in law and the children fled after three nights being hostage in their homes in Mirza Olang village. 

NRC with support from ECHO have responded to the family with 28,000 AFS in order to cover the needs in terms of Shelter, fuel, electricity, health, and transportation.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Dordana (47) har nå ansvar for 13 barn sammen med svigerinnen sin Marzia (28). Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjelpen

Klarte ikke å gråte

– Datteren min var så redd, hun klarte ikke en gang å gråte. Hun bare skalv, forteller Dordana (47).

Dordana har nå ansvar for 13 barn sammen med svigerinnen Marzia (28). Mennene deres ble drept.

Dordana, 47, and her sister-in-law, Marzia, 28, have left with thirteen children. All male family members even the seventeen-year-old Baqir were killed during the Mirza Olang attack on August 5. 

The armed militant group blocked the way while the family were fleeing from the village. The Taliban have separated the male family members and killed and took the women hostage. 

Dordana, her sister in law and the children fled after three nights being hostage in their homes in Mirza Olang village. 

NRC with support from ECHO have responded to the family with 28,000 AFS in order to cover the needs in terms of Shelter, fuel, electricity, health, and transportation.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Dordana (47) og Marzia (28) klarte å flykte. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjelpen

Mistet alle

– De tok mannen min, broren min, svigerbroren min, min 90-år gamle far og min 17-år gamle sønn. Ingen av dem har kommet tilbake.

Etter å ha blitt holdt fanget av den væpnede gruppen i tre netter, klarte Dordana og Marzia å flykte til provinshovedstaden.

Vi er på plass for å hjelpe

Flyktninghjelpen bistår tusenvis av mennesker på flukt i provinshovedstaden Sar-e-pul.

Med støtte fra EUs generaldirektorat for humanitær bistand (ECHO) bidrar Flyktninghjelpen til at flere hundre familier får skaffet husly, brensel og elektrisitet.