David fled from South-Sudan ti Uganda in 2014. He completed high school at a local school in Uganda. He as now finished the online training course and a waiting for his enrolment at the University in Kampala. David is dreaming of doing an exchange year in either the United Kingdom or the United States. He want to pursue a carrier in software engineering to secure his future.

Only 3% of refugee youth have access to tertiary education, compared to 36% of the world’s youth. While a growing number of programmes provide tertiary education opportunities to refugees through scholarships and distance education these are few and with little documentation about processes and outcomes. The partnership between. Arizona State University (ASU) and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a direct response to this need.

In August 2018, ASU and NRC signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish an ASU Earned Admission programme at Ayilo and Nyumanzi refugee camps in Adjumani District, Uganda. The programme provides students with access to online courses through the university’s Global Freshman Academy.

25 South Sudanese and Ugandan learners participated in the programme. 40% are female and the makeup of the group otherwise reflects the importance of working hand-in-hand with the host community.

Location: Youth Center in Nyumanzi Settelment, Adjumani, Uganda 
Photo: Ingrid Prestetun/NRC

– Vi er de som skal bygge opp landet vårt

David (22) flyktet fra Sør-Sudan til Uganda i 2014. Nå studerer han informatikk og planlegger å begynne på universitetet i Kampala for å oppnå drømmen om å bli ingeniør.

Ungdom som har vært nødt til å flykte, sliter ofte med å få den utdannelsen de trenger. Bare tre prosent av unge flyktninger tar høyere utdanning, mot 36 prosent av unge mennesker i verden totalt.

Støtt arbeidet vårt i dag. Din gave kan bidra til at unge flyktninger får mulighet til utdanning.

David er en av de heldige. Han bor i flyktningleiren Nyumanzi og fullførte videregående på en lokal skole i Uganda. Deretter begynte han på et informatikk-kurs som Flyktninghjelpen driver i samarbeid med Arizona State University (ASU).

David fled from South-Sudan ti Uganda in 2014. He completed high school at a local school in Uganda. He as now finished the online training course and a waiting for his enrolment at the University in Kampala. David is dreaming of doing an exchange year in either the United Kingdom or the United States. He want to pursue a carrier in software engineering to secure his future.

Only 3% of refugee youth have access to tertiary education, compared to 36% of the world’s youth. While a growing number of programmes provide tertiary education opportunities to refugees through scholarships and distance education these are few and with little documentation about processes and outcomes. The partnership between. Arizona State University (ASU) and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a direct response to this need.

In August 2018, ASU and NRC signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish an ASU Earned Admission programme at Ayilo and Nyumanzi refugee camps in Adjumani District, Uganda. The programme provides students with access to online courses through the university’s Global Freshman Academy.

25 South Sudanese and Ugandan learners participated in the programme. 40% are female and the makeup of the group otherwise reflects the importance of working hand-in-hand with the host community.

Location: Youth Center in Nyumanzi Settelment, Adjumani, Uganda 
Photo: Ingrid Prestetun/NRC
– Datakurset har åpnet mange muligheter, sier David. Foto: Ingrid Prestetun/Flyktninghjelpen

Drømmer om å bli ingeniør

– Datakurset har åpnet mange muligheter. Nå melder jeg meg på universitetet. Det er veldig viktig å ha det kursbeviset, sier han.

David har store planer for hjemlandet Sør-Sudan – et land som fortsatt er herjet av vold til tross for at det fikk uavhengighet i 2011.

– Landet mitt er ikke stabilt når det gjelder sikkerhet, forklarer han.

– Det mangler samfunnsstruktur og infrastruktur. Jeg har en drøm om å bli ingeniør. Det er vi som skal bygge opp landet vårt.

Adau (24) fled from South-Sudan in 2014 with her mother and sister. She was out of school for five years but have now completed the online training course. She is waiting for her enrolment at the Kampala University. Adau is dreaming of pursuing a carrier in social network.

Only 3% of refugee youth have access to tertiary education, compared to 36% of the world’s youth. While a growing number of programmes provide tertiary education opportunities to refugees through scholarships and distance education these are few and with little documentation about processes and outcomes. The partnership between. Arizona State University (ASU) and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a direct response to this need.

In August 2018, ASU and NRC signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish an ASU Earned Admission programme at Ayilo and Nyumanzi refugee camps in Adjumani District, Uganda. The programme provides students with access to online courses through the university’s Global Freshman Academy.

25 South Sudanese and Ugandan learners participated in the programme. 40% are female and the makeup of the group otherwise reflects the importance of working hand-in-hand with the host community.

Location: Youth Center in Nyumanzi Settelment, Adjumani, Uganda 
Photo: Ingrid Prestetun/NRC
– Jeg vil studere informatikk, sier Adau (24), etter at hun har fullført opplæring gjennom Flyktninghjelpen. Foto: Ingrid Prestetun/Flyktninghjelpen

Adau (24) flyktet fra Sør-Sudan i 2014, sammen med moren og søsteren. Hun gikk glipp av fem års skolegang, men nå har hun fullført et datakurs som Flyktninghjelpen tilbyr og håper å studere på universitetet i Kampala.

– Utdannelse er viktig for meg fordi det er nøkkelen til et godt liv, forklarer hun.

Adau (24) fled from South-Sudan in 2014 with her mother and sister. She was out of school for five years but have now completed the online training course. She is waiting for her enrolment at the Kampala University. Adau is dreaming of pursuing a carrier in computer sciences and networking within computer technology

Only 3% of refugee youth have access to tertiary education, compared to 36% of the world’s youth. While a growing number of programmes provide tertiary education opportunities to refugees through scholarships and distance education these are few and with little documentation about processes and outcomes. The partnership between. Arizona State University (ASU) and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a direct response to this need.

In August 2018, ASU and NRC signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish an ASU Earned Admission programme at Ayilo and Nyumanzi refugee camps in Adjumani District, Uganda. The programme provides students with access to online courses through the university’s Global Freshman Academy.

25 South Sudanese and Ugandan learners participated in the programme. 40% are female and the makeup of the group otherwise reflects the importance of working hand-in-hand with the host community.

Location: Youth Center in Nyumanzi Settelment, Adjumani, Uganda 
Photo: Ingrid Prestetun/NRC
Adau (24) flyktet fra Sør-Sudan i 2014, sammen med moren og søsteren. Foto: Ingrid Prestetun/Flyktninghjelpen

I likhet med David, ønsker Adau å jobbe for å skape en bedre fremtid for hjemlandet.

– Etter studiene ønsker jeg å reise tilbake til Sør-Sudan og hjelpe til med å bygge opp landet, sier hun.

– Jeg vil studere informatikk. Teknologi er avgjørende for å utvikle et land. Du beskytter landet ved å bruke datanettverk og teknologi.

Økt interesse

Kurset har blitt veldig populært blant de unge i Nyumanzi-leiren.

– Det er et kurs de unge er veldig interessert i. Vi får inn flere søknader, og det er flere unge som ønsker å delta enn vi faktisk kan tilby, forklarer Ulrika Blom, landdirektør for Flyktninghjelpen Uganda.

Støtt arbeidet vårt i dag. Din gave kan bidra til at unge flyktninger får praktisk opplæring.

– Ved å investere i utdanningsmuligheter for ungdom, hjelper vi dem å utvikle seg og oppfylle drømmene sine.

For David er kurset et viktig springbrett for videre utdanning.

– Hvis vi lykkes vil vi kunne forandre landet vårt, sier han.